

The Teatro Stabile del Veneto has long undertaken a digital transformation journey to create new opportunities for inclusiveness by making the theater a meeting place open to all. Digital tools, in fact, allow the traditional live experience to be enriched, making it more versatile, personalized and immersive and promoting sharing and accessibility.

Becoming more digital and accessible is an essential objective for Il Teatro Stabile del Veneto in order to spread theatrical culture towards an increasingly heterogeneous audience, belonging to different ages and social contexts. The TSV wants to be a theater for everyone, at the forefront of research and development of innovative practices of social and cultural inclusion.


Con tablet o smart glasses

Tour tattili
In palcoscenico per spettatori ciechi. Un’esperienza unica per scoprire da vicino la scenografia e i costumi di scena 45 minuti prima di ogni spettacolo accessibile

Accessibilità per disabilità motorie
Nei nostri teatri sono disponibili rampe, montascale e ascensori
App Lyri
Da scaricare nel proprio cellulare utilizzando le cuffiette personali. Per i ciechi l’app consente di sentire la voce che spiega tutte le scene non parlate. Per i sordi consente di fruire lo spettacolo coi sottotitoli

Video introduttivo
sul sito del TSV con audio, sottotitoli e traduzione in LIS


20, 21 gennaio 2024
Teatro Verdi, Padova

Angela Demattè, Andrea Chiodi



Diretti da Andrea Chiodi i giovani attori portano in questo testo tutto quel turbamento del cuore tanto caro a Goldoni. Rappresentata in scena è una gioventù sconsigliata al limite degli enfants gatès, un incrocio di umanità disperate e divertite dentro un decadimento dell’anima, un decadimento dei valori forse, ma che nasce dalle colpe dei grandi, una generazione che non sa amare ma invidiare, che vuole essere altro da quello che è e dove aleggia una strana confusione tra l’amore vero, il sesso e il desiderio di potere.

11, 13, 14 april 2024
Teatro Verdi, PadUA
20, 21 april 2024
Teatro Del Monaco, Treviso

Giorgio Sangati



In Athens, the misrule of men has exceeded all limits, corruption is rampant and a devastating war is squandering state coffers and depriving women of husbands, sons and fathers. Lysistrata, or "she who dissolves armies", decides to gather a group of women and develops a double strategy: an all-out sex strike until peace is achieved and a coup d'état to occupy the Acropolis and take power. Aristophanes wrote, in fact, the first comedy with a woman as the protagonist, the first text to address the theme of female emancipation.


The TSV offers people with 100% disability a reduced ticket equal to the Under 26 rate. The companion, if provided for by the disability certificate, is entitled to a free ticket.

When purchasing/collecting tickets it is necessary to show a valid identity document and a certificate of invalidity or disability. People with any type of disability, if they do not require a companion, can enter alone. Guide dogs are allowed.

  • Teatro Verdi: 2 seats normally plus another 6 only in the stalls for safety reasons (to be booked by writing to
  • Maddalene Theatre: 4 seats (to be booked by writing to
  • Goldoni Theatre: 4 seats (to be booked by writing to
  • Teatro del Monaco: 2 seats (to be booked by writing to
Reservations are subject to availability and must be made at least 3 days in advance to offer an adequate service

To receive more information on accessible shows and events and on how to access, write to