Teatro Stabile del Veneto history


The Teatro Stabile del Veneto “Carlo Goldoni” was founded in 1992. The founding members are the Veneto Region, the Municipality of Venice, the Municipality of Padua. The Municipality of Vicenza (from 2003 to 2011), the Province of Padua and the Fondazione Atlantide – Teatro Nuovo of Verona (from 2015 to 2017) and, in 2019, the Municipality of Treviso as well as the Chamber of Commerce of Padua, Treviso-Belluno-Dolomiti Chamber of Commerce and Venice Rovigo Chamber of Commerce were added as ordinary members. Among its supporting members, TSV also boasts the Venice Foundation and Confindustria Veneto Est. A reality of national importance rooted in the Veneto territory. In 2022 the Teatro Stabile del Veneto regained the qualification of National Theater (three-year period 22-24), confirming itself among the national excellences.

Since its foundation, the Teatro Stabile has managed the Goldoni Theater in Venice and the Verdi Theater in Padua. From 2001 to 2011, he took on the artistic direction of the cycle of classical shows of the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, of which he also took over the management from 2003 to 2009. From 2015 to 2017 he also managed the Teatro Nuovo in Verona. Since 2019 TSV manages the Teatro Mario Del Monaco in Treviso, expanding his cultural offering to include opera and classical music concerts, and the Teatro Maddalene in Padua. In years Teatro Stabile also collaborated with the Estate Teatrale Veronese and in 2023 with the Verona Shakespeare Fringe Festival. With an extraordinary meeting of members on 30 September 2023, the Teatro Stabile transformed from an Association to a Foundation with effect from 9 January 2024 and approved a new statute.


It was directed by Giulio Bosetti (1992 – 1997), Mauro Carbonoli (1997 – 1999), Luca De Fusco (2000 – 2009) Alessandro Gassmann (2010 – 2014), Massimo Ongaro (2015 – 2021), Giorgio Ferrara (2021 – 2023), Filippo Dini from Decembre 7, 2023.

The first president was Francesco Raimondo Donà (from the foundation of TSV to 2002), subsequently Laura Barbiani (2002 – 2013) and Angelo Tabaro (2013-2018). Today the Stabile del Veneto is chaired by Giampiero Beltotto.

The Stabile has been directed by protagonists of the European scene such as Benno Besson, Lluis Pasqual, Pierluigi Pizzi, Jacques Lassalle, Gianfranco De Bosio, Maurizio Scaparro, Damiano Michieletto, Gabriele Vacis, Marco Sciaccaluga, Luigi Squarzina, Massimo Castri, Leo Muscato, Carmelo Rifici, Andrea De Rosa; protagonists of the shows has been actors such as Marcello Mastroianni, Giulio Bosetti, Ugo Pagliai and Paola Gassman, Lello Arena, Eros Pagni, Lina Sastri, Elisabetta Pozzi, Virgilio Zernitz, Natalino Balasso, Àlex Rigola.

Young talents such as Giorgio Sangati, Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi, Marta Dalla Via, Lorenzo Maragoni have established themselves in the productions of the Teatro Stabile. 


The training of new professional figures is one of our most important priorities. Since 1998 the Teatro Stabile del Veneto has managed the Accademia Palcoscenico school for actors. The Veneto Theatre School and Employment Model (TeSeO) was created in 2018 through a Program Agreement with the Veneto Region, which included the Accademia Teatrale Veneta as a partner. TeSeO is an innovative model for young talents which stimulate their vocation and offers concrete employment benefits. A territorial system that trains highly qualified actors, involving high school students and different professionals of the show.

The care taken in the production choices and in the composition of the programs has not lost sight of the attention to what the public of tomorrow will be with the Children's Theater activity, the events dedicated to families, the creation of workshops dedicated to specific age groups. of age as well as theatrical contests between schools in the Veneto region in which students were able to express their theatrical feelings in front of an audience of citizens/jurors.


Since 2013, the programming of the Teatro Stabile has been inspired by an action strategy strongly rooted in the territory of the Veneto Region, in particular between Padua, Venice and Treviso, three cities of great artistic value and consolidated cultural traditions.

The current territorial dimension, combined with a national broad scope and a strong international vocation, as well as a cultural project that looks to the future by investing in the new generations, make the Teatro Stabile del Veneto one of the most important engines for the cultural development of the entire Region.

Goldoni's productions are very frequent, and in general those of the theater of the 17th and 18th centuries, but contemporary dramaturgy is not neglected either (among others Furio Bordon, Giuseppe Manfridi, Stefano Massini, Massimo Carlotto, Vitaliano Trevisan, Tiziano Scarpa, Alessandro Baricco); during the management of the Olimpico the repertoire also expanded to ancient dramaturgy.

Equally recent is the recovery of the Venetian dramaturgy of the last century. The shows of the Teatro Stabile del Veneto are continuously present in the national theater panorama. Since 2002 there have also been tours abroad with significant stops such as Berlin, Paris, Lisbon, Moscow, Hamburg, Barcelona, Madrid.