Teatro Verdi in Padua


Inaugurated in 1751 as the New Theatre, it was the subject of an uninterrupted series of restorations. The first less than a century after its creation, designed by Giuseppe Jappelli.

A new intervention became necessary a few years later, signed by the architect Sfondrini. The interior of the vault was painted by Giacomo della Casa and the works gave the Theater its current appearance. An opportunity to rename it and dedicate it to Giuseppe Verdi who, however, declined the invitation for the inauguration on 8 June 1884.

The historic theater was damaged by a bombing during the First World War; once the room and the dome, frescoed by Giuliano Tommasi, were rearranged, the activity resumed only at the end of 1920. Vittorio Emanuele III was present for the reopening.

With the second war the shows were reduced but the theater still remained active. At the end of the war the Verdi became the property of the Municipality which over the years took care of progressive renovations.

Over 250 years after its birth, in the historic center of Padua, the Verdi Theater is striking for its architecture. With its 700 seats and the important stage with wooden trellis, it hosts the prose season of the Teatro Stabile del Veneto, as well as opera performances, concerts, ballets and children's performances.Lo storico teatro fu pesantemente danneggiato da un bombardamento durante il primo conflitto mondiale; risistemata la sala e la cupola (affrescata ora da Giuliano Tommasi), già alla fine del 1920 il Verdi fu in grado di riprendere l’attività: alla riapertura era presente in sala Vittorio Emanuele III.



The Verdi Theater is located in Via dei Livello 32 – 35139 in Padua. From the train and bus station it can be reached either on foot, with a walk of about 15 minutes, or by taking line 10 (direction Sarmeola or Caselle di Selvazzano) or line 6 (direction Brusegana or Via Lagrange) and getting off at the Milano stop 67 (in front of the Theatre).

For any information you can contact the ticket office by calling 049 87770213 or by writing to biglietteria.teatroverdi@teatrostabileveneto.it (see opening time).

Ampia veduta sala principale Teatro Verdi
Veduta facciata esterna Teatro Verdi
Sala Ridotto Teatro Verdi
Dettaglio palchetti Teatro Verdi
Veduta platea e palchi centrali Teatro Verdi